Fire Emblem Anniversary Series Yugudoraru Ansoroji  - Jugdral Anthology

    These are the Trading cards from the fifth released series, the anniversary edition.  This title is in katakana and when sounded out 'yugudoraru' [ユグドラル] is the name of the continent that the 4th (Seisen no Kefiu) and 5th (Thracia 776) games take place on , Jugdral.  When spoken 'ansoroji' [アンソロジー] is clearly anthology.  All of the cards are shown on this page, along with scans of the box and inserts for this series.  This may make the page take a while to load.

There are a total of 92 Cards [34 Regular Cards, 33 Uncommon Cards, 24 Rare Cards, 1 Box Card (p030)]

Like the previous series, the rarity is based on the number of stars shown on the card (** = rare, *=uncommon, no stars = common)
List of what some of the kanji means on the cards:

Unit   ユニット
Buki   武器 = weapon
Mahou   魔法 = magic
Surprise  サプライズ 
Tochi  土地 = land
Sword  剣
Spear  槍
Thunder  雷
Wind  風
Dark  闇
Light  光

Translated checklist Word format        Official Checklist html (the official page is gone, does anyone have a copy of the list?)
Anniversary series compete card set download:  Tripod (rar)    Full Anniversary series download (includes the box, inserts, and RP cards) 

Unit Cards (1-64)

1 Sigurd 2 Arvis 3 Diodora 4 Selice 5 Yurius 6 Yuria 7 Tiltyu 8 Lex
9 Azel 10 Bridget 11 Edin 12 Ayra 13 Holin 14 Jamka 15 Levin 16 Mahnya
17 Fury 18 Beowulf  19 Dew 20 Ishtar 21 Tinny 22 Linda 23 Reinhard 24 Olwen
25 Shanan 26 Sukasaha 27 Lakche 28 Lief  29 Fin 30 Sety 31 Misha 32 Karin
33 Eyvel 34 Mareeta 35 Shiva 36 Asvel 37 Prin 38 Sara 39 Grün Ritter 
(Green Knight)
40 Beige Ritter 
(Beige Knight)
41 Grau Ritter 
(Grey Knight) 
42 Gelb Ritter 
(Yellow Knight)
43 Gelb Ritter 
(Yellow Knight)
44 Rute Ritter 
(Red Knight) 
45 Blagi Religious 
46 Agusty Warrior 47 Cross Knights 48 Lance Knight
49 Lenster Campaign 50 Manster Campaign 51 Alster Campaign 52 Dragon Knight 53 Armored Knight 
54 Pegasus Knight Team 55 Wind Mage 
56 Isaac Fencer
57 Verdane Soldier 58 Grandbell Empire 
59 Belk Rozen 
(black rozen)
60 Orgahil Pirate 61 Purple Dragon 
Mountain Bandit
62 Dandelion 63 Long Arch 64 Iron Arch

Buki Cards (65-67)

65 Sleep Sword 66Earth Sword 67 Mistolien

Mahou Cards (68-69)

68 Rewarp Staff 69Sleep Staff 

Surprise Cards (70-88)

70 Tumble 71 Fall Down 72 Collision 73 Confinement 74 Fetters 75 Force Back 76 Counter Attack 77 Interception
78 Hiding 79 Afterimage 80 Sparkling magical 
81Cooperation Attack 
(Human relations)
82 Simultaneous Attack 
(Human Relations)
83 Shanan 84 Pursue (Skill) 85 Ambush (Skill) 
86 Critical (Skill) 87 Written Willpower 88 Prisoner

Tochi Cards (89-91)

89 Temple 90 Yeild Desert 91Pitfall

Anniversary Box, Pack, Inserts and Box Card

P030 Areone Insert side A Insert side B Anthology Card Pack Anthology Box front Anthology Box side Anthology Box back Anthology Box side
Anthology Box top Anthology Box expanded